Food Stores
The ownership structure of the New England grocery retail industry raises questions about the ability of the region to exercise some control over incorporating regional food and beverage products. Dollar stores are the most common type of national chain store in New England. Even though large corporate food retail entities and supercenters seem to have a strong grip on New England, numerous independent and family-owned small/midsize supermarket chains, as well as food co-ops, represent an important commercial segment within the region.
Note About Connecticut Maps: Although Connecticut has not had county governments since 1960, county boundaries have historically been used to depict data. For example, all USDA Census of Agriculture data for Connecticut is collected at a county-level. In 2022, the U.S. Census Bureau shifted to using Connecticut's nine planning regions as county equivalent geographic units for data collection. This has presented a challenge for depicting data for Connecticut's planning regions in Tableau. This mapping challenge has not been resolved yet, but when a solution is available, we will update Connecticut maps.