NEFNE ’30 by 2030′ Report Webinar – Registration Form
What would it take for 30% of the food consumed in New England to be regionally produced by 2030?
September 26, 2023, 1:00 – 2:30pm
Join the New England Food System Planners Partnership as we address this question during our webinar: A Regional Approach to Food System Resilience, based on the four-volume report of foundational food system data commissioned and released in June 2023.
The report lays out an unprecedented compilation of the most current New England food systems data and frames the data intentionally to inspire conversation and action to reach the report’s proposed goal of New England producing and consuming 30% of its food by 2030.
Lead project managers, partners, and report researchers will join us to dig into the data. They will provide a short summary of the volumes, breakout sessions and offer a Q&A, with the goal of helping you and your organization utilize the report in strategic planning, fundraising, advocacy, and other work as we continue to build vibrant food systems in New England.